"The Theory of Everything" is based on "My Life
With Stephen" by Jane Wilde Hawking, former wife of Stephen Hawking,
British theoretical physicist. Studying at Cambridge University, Stephen (Eddie
Redmayne) meets another doctoral student, Jane (Felicity Jones), a literature
major who is taken with this awkward but brilliant youth who wants to develop
an “equation that explains everything in the universe.” Hawking moves from
trying to uncover the beginning of time to theorizing about a cosmos without
beginning or end, topics perhaps beyond the abilities of a movie to explain and
treated more comprehensively in “A Brief History of Time.” The focus of the
film, though, is on the couple's relationship and the challenges related to
Hawking's motor-neuron, or Lou Gehrig's, disease. Jane decides that Stephen's
inevitable physical deterioration won't get in the way of her love for him. She
marries and cares for him and their children as the film chronicles their human
triumph, Jane's in keeping the family going and Stephen's in maintaining his
zeal for scientific inquiry. Redmayne is remarkable in portraying both
Stephen's physical limitations and his boundless intellectual enthusiasm. Their
situation, though, does eventually stress Jane, who nevertheless avoids deeper
involvement with a choirmaster friend of the family (Charlie Cox)–at least
until Stephen leaves her for his nurse (Maxine Peake), and rather quickly at
that after her years of devotion. The physicist who attempts to "explain
everything" leaves us with a mystery to ponder regarding his own human
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